Wood Decay Biomechanics Workshop

Appleby Ice Centre 1201 Appleby Line, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Join Chris Luley and Frank Rinn for a two day workshop discussing: assessment of tree decay, biomechanics, biology of decay, fungi identification, root decay assessment and more! The workshop includes outdoor practical sessions on advanced assessment methods (visual, sounding, DNA testing, resistance drilling (resistograph), and sonic tomography). Location: Appleby Ice Centre: 1201 Appleby Line, Burlington, [...]

OTCC Virtual Information Session


Join us for a Virtual OTCC Forum: Wed Apr 16 @ 7:30 PM The OTCC Committee will be online to share the 2024 OTCC survey results, gather any additional feedback, answer questions, and begin preliminary discussions for the 2025 OTCC event. All are welcome to attend – from past/present/future competitors, volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors and any [...]

ISA Certified Arborist, Tree Climber, Utility & Municipal Exams – Whitby

Town of Whitby Operations Center 333 McKinney Dr, Whitby, ON, Canada

We'll be hosting exams for the: ISA Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, Municipal Specialist Exam and Tree Climber Exam (Written & Skills) on Friday April 25, 2025 in Whitby, Ontario. Enroll through your ISA account: https://wwv.isa-arbor.com/myAccount/loginThe enrollment deadline is April 09, 2025.To be eligible to write the exam you must meet the eligibility requirements (generally a [...]

Webinar: Chainsaw Vibration & Arborists


Vibration Exposures in Arborists – Do Cut Types and Directions Make a Difference for MSD Prevention? Arborists have a 15 times greater risk of fatality and three times greater risk of non-fatal injury when compared to the North American average. Workers are not only exposed to repetitive tasks with forceful exertions, but also vibration, noise, [...]

WAO TreeFest

Victoria Park, Kitchener ON 32 Dill St, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Join us for TreeFest in Victoria Park, Kitchener as we gather to support and celebrate women in arboriculture! Registration is free. All are welcome to join us in celebrating and supporting our female-identifying climbers. TreeFest will feature opportunities to try competition-style events to showcase and develop the skills of our female climbers, as well as [...]

OTCC Ontario Tree Climbing Championship

Lake Ontario Park, Kingston ON 920 King St W., Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The OTCC brings together arborists & industry members in this fun, competitive event. The OTCC is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend: watch arborists showcase their skills, visit a tradeshow featuring our favourite vendors and anyone can try out tree climbing at the “Fun Climb” station under the guidance of a [...]

ISAO’s 2026 Conference & Trade Show

RBC Place 300 York St, London, Ontario

Experience Arboriculture at Ontario's premiere arboricultural industry event! Attend dynamic sessions, visit the trade show, earn CEUs, meet new & old friends, and of course, have FUN! Join us and Experience Arboriculture!

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