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Vibration Exposures in Arborists – Do Cut Types and Directions Make a Difference for MSD Prevention?
Arborists have a 15 times greater risk of fatality and three times greater risk of non-fatal injury when compared to the North American average. Workers are not only exposed to repetitive tasks with forceful exertions, but also vibration, noise, and environmental factors, which all contribute to the risk of injury.
This webinar will share the results of research that examined hand-arm vibration to the upper extremity in arborists while completing common tree abatement tasks, as well as the effects of these exposures on fine motor control. The results of this research have implications for cut types and directions that have the largest vibration transmission to workers, providing a first step for work practices that reduce overall vibration exposure in arborists.
Presenters: Dr. Mike Holmes, Brock University, and Alexis Napper, AE.
Presented by CRE-MSD: Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Join us Wednesday, May 28, 2025 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT.

Register for this FREE webinar online here

1 CEU available for attending live.

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