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Women in Arboriculture Ontario is excited to host the 5th Annual TreeFest on Saturday June 17th, 2023 at Huron Park in Mississauga! Join us to access the canopy in a supportive and learning environment and meet your fellow tree workers from around the province. Get some tips and network with other Women in Arboriculture by climbing in our hang out trees or try out some competition style climbing events. Not a climber? You try out climbing or join us in this great networking opportunity and cheer on your fellow arborists. This is an inclusive event for everyone of all tree workers, climbers and experience levels. Registration is free – we just ask that you pre-register online. We are also looking for volunteers to help with this event. Everyone will have a chance to win prizes for all of our event trees thanks to our incredible sponsors!
See event details including schedule and map here.
And register online here.
We hope to you see you there!

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