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Join RBG’s herbarium curator, Nadia Cavallin, to enhance your tree identification skills and master the tricky trees of the forest! We’ll learn to tell apart look-alike trees, such as red and black oaks, as well as identify some of the less common species.
Nadia Cavallin is the Field Botanist and Herbarium Curator at Royal Botanical Gardens. Nadia received her B.Sc. from McGill University, specializing in Biodiversity and Conservation in the School of Environment, and her M.Sc. in Biology from the University of Moncton. 

CEUs are available for attending live!

See details on the workshop here here https://www.rbg.ca/events/tricky-trees/

Register here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/courses-workshops-into-the-wild-2022-3-registration-332883021077

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