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Canadian Tree Fund (CTF) and ISAO host this webinar on creating a women's network in the tree care world. Beginning in August 2020, Rebecca Johnson started hosting "Women in Trees" chats over Zoom.  Recognizing this as a unique opportunity, Rebecca kept track of discussion topics that arose over the course of the open chats. Hosting an open chat requires moderation and facilitation and there were lessons learned along the way for creating an environment that encourages open conversation and support and doesn’t become negative. This webinar will review of the most common topics and proposed solutions to common challenges.  It also includes lessons learned in hosting an open chat, creating a safe space, and helping to set the stage for a successful chat. Rebecca is a true arborholic addicted to helping trees and the people who care for them, regularly providing education to arborists and the general public. She was recognized with the 2020 ISA President's Award for her work with Women in Arboriculture. Her credentials include ISA Certified Arborist, TRAQ, and CTSP.

This webinar will be FREE – brought to you by the Canadian Tree Fund (CTF)! If you're able, please consider donating to help CTF in their mission to support tree education and research in Canada. CTF is a registered Canadian charity and donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt. Thank you – every donation helps! Donate here

Register for the webinar here.

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